Thursday 24 January 2013

Bring knitting back!

 With big oversized wooly jumpers, hats, and even leggings or skirts coming in wool-form this winter, trying to save money on these must-haves is essential, so I'm going to try and make my own. My Mum has always wanted me to try this but I have just never felt secure enough to sit with the wool and knitting needles and not feel about 100. So I've started slowly. I love hats especially in this cold weather, they're cosy, comforting and currently quite fashionable, especially beanies. So I went into a shop full of wool and picked up a piece of paper, known as a pattern, that tell you how to make a certain piece of clothing, this particular guide being for beanies. I also collected three balls of wool and the knitting needles the guide prescribed. Youtube I have to thank you because there was no guide that told me that there were particular stitches to learn and in this apparently 'easy', 'beginner' pattern I needed to know two of the very basic stitches, a knit, and a pearl. So from ball into a hat I spent about 3 hours knitting for it to be finished and loved the results. It was a bit big for my head, and some of the stitches were a bit odd looking but I had made myself my own winter warmer for half the price of a shop bought one. In fact I would definitely tell people to have a go at this hat-making business, it was fun to do, relaxing even, and the results were reasonably quick and satisfying to see. The saving might not be amazing comparing what I made and the quality you can buy on the high-street but I will definitely be having a go at this knitting thing again, maybe a jumper next ? x

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