Thursday 24 January 2013

Bring knitting back!

 With big oversized wooly jumpers, hats, and even leggings or skirts coming in wool-form this winter, trying to save money on these must-haves is essential, so I'm going to try and make my own. My Mum has always wanted me to try this but I have just never felt secure enough to sit with the wool and knitting needles and not feel about 100. So I've started slowly. I love hats especially in this cold weather, they're cosy, comforting and currently quite fashionable, especially beanies. So I went into a shop full of wool and picked up a piece of paper, known as a pattern, that tell you how to make a certain piece of clothing, this particular guide being for beanies. I also collected three balls of wool and the knitting needles the guide prescribed. Youtube I have to thank you because there was no guide that told me that there were particular stitches to learn and in this apparently 'easy', 'beginner' pattern I needed to know two of the very basic stitches, a knit, and a pearl. So from ball into a hat I spent about 3 hours knitting for it to be finished and loved the results. It was a bit big for my head, and some of the stitches were a bit odd looking but I had made myself my own winter warmer for half the price of a shop bought one. In fact I would definitely tell people to have a go at this hat-making business, it was fun to do, relaxing even, and the results were reasonably quick and satisfying to see. The saving might not be amazing comparing what I made and the quality you can buy on the high-street but I will definitely be having a go at this knitting thing again, maybe a jumper next ? x

Monday 12 November 2012

The Elements of Photography - Simple Beginnings.

My very first lesson in photography was all about basics. Everyone thinks they can just get out there and shoot a great photograph; I mean, how could there be rules within something that looks so simple. But as with any art or science there are a few rough guidelines we all would like to know to creating that one brilliant image that may just capture more than your own attention.

The elements: light, line, shape, form, space, colour, texture, balance.

Elements are worldly/physical things to look out for when taking your photograph. Your not trying to capture all elements but one or two captured well can make for a really interesting piece. Below I have explained each of the elements along with pictures I've taken over the past week.

1.   This image shows the element of light. The artificial light shining through this lamp makes the pattern really stand out. Without the light the white lamp would shrink into the background  The lights enhanced emphasis.

2.   This image shows the element of line. Line takes the viewers eye through the photograph; from left to right or up and down, this is how your audience with see your image.

3.   This image demonstrates shape. Is there a strong, overpowering shape in your image? This can be good and bad, you don't want the main subject forgotten but if the shape is your main focus it can be a compelling image.

4.   This image shows the element of form. Form describes a three dimensional shape showing the curves and depth of a hand as a form.

5.    This image shows the element of space. The blank black space in this image emphasises my cats (gorgeous) face.

6.   This image shows the element of colour. The Lowry in Manchester has some amazing art but also some great architecture. The colours of these juxtaposed platforms convey fun but also shock the eye.

7.   This photograph portrays the texture element. You have to try your best to make the viewer feel as though they could touch the subject of your image and feel the textures. Lighting will help with this element.

8.   This image shows the element of balance. The straight line of the river makes the photograph balanced to either side of the image, curves or a dominant amount of foliage would instantly draw the eye.

Hopefully this will help all those starters. These are what I believe the elements of photography are whether positive or negative they should be strived for or avoided depending on what your trying to create. Either way they are great to be aware of. I would love to see some of your work on this or what you think or any photography! Love seeing the amateur work out there and getting some great ideas.
